Started drawing a gazer. Thought about mascara. Turned into a female. Not much to say. 😛
Tag Archives: Zig Millennium
This one is a request from a coworker. Yesterday he requested “a cuttlefish with a jetpack.” Thus, the scuttlefish was born.
While I didn’t look at the image as a reference while drawing this, the composition was inspired by a w00t shirt that I bought a while back. It’s one of my favorites.
Reference: Moongate
Another Denis Loubet illustration. I took some sketchy liberties with this one. Not much to say today.
Argentrock Isle (sort of…)
Reference: Argentrock Isle
Another Loubet illustration today. This one is from Ultima VIII, the game my mother wouldn’t let play as a kid because it had a pentagram on it. >_>
Anyway, I took some liberties with this one. And by “liberties” I mean “I didn’t do a good job of planning and proportions went to hell.” Oh well. I really wanted to draw the clouds but I didn’t leave enough room for them. Derp.
Ludwig von Koopa
References: Ludwig von Koopa – Joseph Karl Stieler‘s Beethoven portrait
Some days I feel like drawing something utterly ridiculous. Today is one of those days.
Vultures! -or- How Did a Bird Get the Sigil of Justice?
Reference: Vulture
Back to some hero worship drawings today. This is another of Denis Loubet‘s illustrations. This one is particularly from Ultima IX. I always enjoyed killing monsters in UIX and then picking off the vultures when they came to feed on the carcass. Repeat ad nauseam.
Octogenarian – or – The Octomummy
The Guardian Comes Through The Black Gate
References: Denis Loubet’s Guardian Illustration – Ultima VII Ending Screenshot
Because of that silly optionally captioned intro you can watch in Serpent Isle, I always see this in my mind when the Guardian is making his way into Britannia.
Homestuck: John’s Dad -or- Ren & Stimpy: Mr. Pipe?
Please tell me that I’m not the only one who got the weird feeling that John’s dad in Homestuck and Mr. Pipe from Ren & Stimpy could be the same person. Either way, here they are. References are from screen caps from the rubber nipple salesmen episode of Ren & Stimpy and from various pages of Homestuck.
Also, this was another one I actually started with pencil.
Mr. Thorse
References: Mr. Horse (of course), Thor’s Helmet, Mjölnir 1, Mjölnir 2
Yesterday during lunch, I was conversing with some of the new hires about the drawings and calligraphy I do around the office. I asked a particular person what she wanted to have drawn on her white board and she said,
“A tiger! Or a horse!”
I struggled to come up with a silly portmanteau for tiger and horse, but it wasn’t happening. Then the other person we were sitting with blurted out,
This, of course, cracked my shit up and filled me with ridiculous mental images. Turns out, there already is a somewhat popular Thorse image out there, but I like mine better.
If I could do it again, I would changed the text to “I didn’t smite it” instead of “I won’t smite it.” *shrug* For those of you that don’t get the reference, first of all, shame on you. Second of all, here, watch this.