Little Sketches! (Dragon, Runes, Serpent, Skeleton, Sword)

References: Sword, Skeleton, Ultima VII Runes

Today’s sketches are on lots of little pieces. You’ll see why on Friday. πŸ˜‰

The Fabulous Dragon is an original sketch, the runes are an interpretation from the Ultima VII pixel graphics, the sword is based loosely on a Denis Loubet illustration, the skeleton is based strongly on a Denis Loubet illustration, and the long serpent is just a silly version of a silver serpent.

Grr Arg

I’m admittedly having a pretty shitty day. I wanted to draw something else entirely but my hand didn’t want to stay still. What I *really* wanted to do was pull out a big 24″ x 36″ sheet of paper and attack it with some charcoal. I’m sure this would have made me feel much better. Regardless, this is the drawing that happened today. Take it or leave it.