Why is that octopus smacking a fish? And why is he wearing a backpack and a headband? There are reasons. 😉 You’ll see hopefully before 2013.
Also, I did a silly drawing in a morning meeting: Bonus Derp
Why is that octopus smacking a fish? And why is he wearing a backpack and a headband? There are reasons. 😉 You’ll see hopefully before 2013.
Also, I did a silly drawing in a morning meeting: Bonus Derp
Reference Photo: Mildly Homely Platy
BigBadOrc always wants me to draw him a platypus ninja. So…here’s one. In all of its cute glory, taking a break. What a let down, eh?
I (finally) discovered Homestuck (as if it needs more free advertisement…) last night and I’ve wanted to get back to it all morning at work. To help satiate my longings, I drew a silly, unrelated, and random sketch on a Captchalogue Card. *shrug*
Happy Monderp.
I used to draw things like this all the time. You can see another one here: The Geraci Slug
References: J.A.S. Townsend, Grouper
I’m finally getting around to reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Can you believe I haven’t read it yet?) Anyway, I just got to a part with fish headed footmen running around and got inspired. I have a strong urge to color this one.