References: Curiosity and Oxy Leech
Congratulations to NASA, JPL, and humanity! I’m waiting for Curiosity to discover the 1893 Landing Sites. 😉
Today is the first that I used Rapidograph pens. If you follow my blog, you know that I’ve primarily used Zig Millenium pens and once in a great while, Micron pens. Ever since college, people have said that the Rapidograph pens were the way to go, but I’d never used them. I didn’t have any place that I could try them and they were prohibitively expensive.
Fast forward a freaking decade, and here I am. Taking my artwork more seriously and I decided to invest in a set. I have mixed feelings about them so far. I definitely understand that there will be an adjustment period, but I’m not sure if I’m going to like them for the type of drawing that I do. I imagine that they would be wonderful when working with a ruler, but starting and stopping free hand is sort of punishing. It seems to accentuate any shakes that I make and I am unable to press harder like I do with the felt tip pens in order to steady my hand. I’m also unable to draw at as many angles as I am with the felt tips. Another gripe is that the ink is bleeding. I may have to switch to a higher quality paper medium if I want to keep using them.
For the short term, I’m going to stick with them. Especially since they were super expensive. Hopefully I’ll grow into them.