A Quick Poll

Reference Image – Metroid NES Instruction Manual (page 11)
Well this is by far my worst sketch so far. The proportions are entirely out of whack. This is why I like to spend around 30 minutes warming up before I draw. (or, you know, use a grid system)
When I was a kid, I was amused by the pseudo-chibi style images found in the instruction manual for The Legend of Zelda for the NES.
Today, I decided to draw a smattering of inventory items, more or less true to their original style, and an iconic tree gate thinger (dungeon entrance) interpreted from the 8-bit graphic. I discovered that I rather enjoy interpreting 8-bit images into original illustrations.
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More Loubet drawings. This one came out heavily distorted. Traditionally when I draw figures, I warm up with between three and six gesture drawings. I tend to be particularly self conscious with figures in the pen medium and it shows.
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Another image from my quest to study the work of Denis Loubet.
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Another Denis Loubet inspired drawing. His pen and ink style is so distinctive. I find it pleasantly frustrating to transition from my tenebristic binary shading style to Loubet’s pseudo cross-contour banding with a touch of stippling style.
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One of the goals of this sketch project is to better emulate the styles of my favorite artists. Today’s particular artist is Denis Loubet.